I have not really much to write, but I wanted to do .... I think it's the first time that so many people sign my blog (as happened in the previous post!) and I thank them, especially Tomomi-chan! This is the first time I signed! And a lot of stuff she does not like = P So: Arigato gozaimashita Tomomichan!
Mariana came home today because I'm half pachucha (luckily I did) to Johnnie for a while and get a lift (yesterday was a bad time) and how could it be otherwise really cool!! We had fun watching chibi juniors, the Summary (pity that we were late and did not arrive! -.-) And Johnny's naked .... well, actually it was a single naked Johnny: Okada, but I think valand by several XDD That back is worth millions!! xD Mari I had a great time! Thank you very much for the good vibes! = D On Friday we see, ne?;)
Ando with a terrible desire to buy some of Juan ... I do not want to spend, I would save little money for "other things" ... ayyy, that mysterious essssha!
XD Ah! I have new fotolog The rainbow star , most of you already know, but hey, if anyone has also fotolog and i do not say so add me, oki? ^ ^
How many people do not know and I'm always going on and me I'm tired xDto put as the first post links to my stories of Johnny's 3 concerts I went to, so everybody read it.
Another little thing: thanks to Mayura by spending the PV of Versailles! IS reee good and even has a moment xDDDD
Regards, Megu
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