Most of my life I lived with at least one horse. How will ask you: a woman who rented horses in the Parque Pereyra and lived in the country I took care of him and took him on weekends to the park for me to see, take care, ride, etc.
My first horse, a male, named Panza (yes, I know, I put very imaginative name, but I understand why) and my parents bought me when we both had 3 years. Since childhood my father took me to ride a horse (which obviously he was driving) and quickly realized that I liked too much these animals. "The Panza", as we called cariñosameue Panza always followed in the family despite the others passed. Then my dad bought a Champion, a big, beautiful horse, but unfortunately it was stolen shortly after the camp.
buy us a Heart While a great big horse that came with an unexpected gift: she was pregnant! It was a spectacular experience living with a colt, filly in this case, which called Zarina Antonella (yes, I started with the funny names xD). Unfortunately we could not have them both, so we sold. Unfortunately
also Panza died in 2005, which made me very very sad that this horse was an important part of my life as you can imagine.
What's this?, Is pregsmear you, that for some time (just after he died Panza), I have a terrible desire to adopt a horse. Of course, here it is almost impossible to get a horse to adopt, I contacted the two places and one told me that they had no place for adoption and another that would let me know if there are any available animal and never again contact. It's a shame, because almost everything had to have it fixed! Not really want to buy an animal, very nearly goes against my principles!
Anyway, I hope to fulfill that dream soon ... enjoy the pics!! Megu
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