Saturday, August 18, 2007

New Business Press Release Sample Survived Animate!

Yes ladies and gentlemen ... survived 10 hours of an event of anime! What did I do there if I do not like anime? I went to accompany a friend, Mariana, another freak of Johnny's, because they sell posters and other things in the events, so I had to get up early for my taste reeeee (at 7 am, how awful! xD) and I left here at about 8. I'll miss certain events that served to make my acquaintance to laugh a lot (and why not, myself xD), which gives it is airing on all sides.

I got on the street and Corrientes Hence I had to take the subway to Pueyrreón, which was where we met Mariana and another friend of hers was going to ayudarla. To summarize, I had a great time, the other girl, Nuriko, is re funny and at 3 minutes and we were screaming "bitch!" XD The only bad thing is that the usurers of the event not even give you a chair, what you have to be TOO the hours of the event stopped. Sucks.

There were several funny characters, the best was Jack Sparrow that was sooo mad, and his friend dressed up as "a Naruto" XD it was also super funny.

Now my favorite part: what can be pathetic people!! My god .... yelling at the posters was literal. How come the pendejitas these reach the posters and start to cry * it is clear that her lungs * "AHHHHHHHHHHHH, ME MUEROOOOOOOOOOOOOO,YOU LOOK CUTE IS * insert name here * unknown to me, I WANT ME COMPRARRRRRRRR, ME MEOOOOOOOOO !!!!!". swear there were times I wanted to kill them. Sign that shit and those who were disguised as ridiculous, not I know it was worse. There was one of Death Note (I will not even try to remember what it was called the character) was on legs!! It was 300 degrees below zero more or less in place! at heart desire that grab a pneumonia, it deserves for being such a wanker!

at a time when I was a fan of anime and now I'm veeeeeeeeery freak of Johnny's ... but I never did these pelotudeces! I believe firmly that you can be geek without reaching the ridiculous.

Another thing that bothers me:people who use the Japanese interspersed with English. If you do not need to use it, it bothers me a lot, but a LOT to do so. What need? That is nice according to them, right? Pathetic. Very pathetic. Anyone else

seems unfortunate propaganda stickers cookies that bring the movie of The Simpsons and at first the father (a family show "real") rises to hang the child the Homer? Mmmm ...

health and safety now throw me against all the fans of anime, Megu


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