Dicimbre 24, 2006,
Who can say that time is short?
Man's life is a costante come and go, fast, fast, fast, our existence is just a brief moment in the millions of years has the earth, and in this brief moment we do many things, many good, some so bad, where we hope to be remembered more for the former than the latter.
I want to make a brief summary of what this year meant to me, and the goals I achieved and those that leave in oblivion and just today I managed to remember
This was a 2006 to my transcendent, because it was a year entirely dedicated to my race, electronics, nothing strange ManterĂa cCCOUNTING administration and not so outrageous that it's hard work I shredded
A year where I met a guy who helped me out so many tristesas and gave me his support, friendship and understanding knowing full well that I could never match as he wanted his feelings, and yet ... still ... so deeply in my heart and in my life that I will miss him beyond the unthinkable when our paths separated
A year where diseases do not leave me alone, I endured a surgery, and chest pain constant pain ... which have not ceased and learned to live a drug loading provided that in case of an emergency urgently need someone trained in injections could aplicarmela
A year of school achievement, with scores if they are not great if you are at least acceptable to maintain the scholarship that both need and to continue studying at the University I love so much, and also achieved while participating in a robot contest followers of lines, a contest that will not give details, but I really feel hiso not have erred in my choice of career ... and life ...
was also a year of ... Love? hehehe for a short time to enjoy a Fiancee of someone I loved very much ... unfortunately mistook the will to love, what did not work hiso the whole thing, ironically after finishing with it, came into my life a guy I can say que loved a few years ago, if not as I did but I could read my behavior as if it were an open book ... and kissed him, driven by his strange magnetism, even knowing he had a girlfriend, I did not care, nor do I care if I had to do it again, because I was ... never be fixed in my .... About two months ago another guy came into my life, I met one of my subjects in school, in one of those classes where they meet people from all engineering ... was fleeting, I really liked and was returned, it might have been something nice ... even opened agreed to be his girlfriend, but he had to be a very sad person with few aspirations for life ... sorry ... not stand for a long time and individuals ...
They were also fired from family days, time passes, and aunt told us goodbye, suffering from a chronic illness that ultimately conquered it, the sad thing about it was that she was having saved ... if only you had put a little more of interest to your life and your health ...
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