Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saddle Right Saddle Pads The chocoaventuras chapter 1 "new vocation and Rob *-*!" edy XDDD

~ oohh yeah! superchiclebomba chocoaventura sta start! (Q did not occupy much to that word XD!) Because nothing is c gave it to me yesterday the truth was fun q aunq I must admit if I get tired but as Rob said is a good cause x XD! already know in advance q save the lives of 3 kittens and q are as Edy U_U has such a good heart! (And muchaaa humildaaad XD!) But because, as is stinking esperarc not leave my brothers to me kede q, ntoncs rob told me about an animal shelter oo! q is here in Tampico, and the day yesterday we took on the task of looking for the place! yeaaah! I arrived home half an hour after Rob was as =__="!! sperarc and we truamamos a while *-* with Jero is the new adkisicion esq is ... its vooooz! isUNREAL !!!!! encantooooo I * O *! is fun, your voice is so pretty * x *! and megagenial XD! if you love to Grimes hahahahaha!

of more sta Well said yesterday it was a heat q and q hated sun XD! dsd at about 11 am we were in places Akella q as I said to Rob "if you let me lose myself o.ó aki!" and esq is true I do not know the neighborhoods in my own city q is a shame as if a colony cerkana esq Beach XDDD! we walk and walk and q after a lady we kind soul will help us in! is pretty good *-* the refuge is well cared for truth, very well arranged with plants and that *-*!! aki a photo of the entrance of the place ....

are arranging the entry of the place that the material *-* x x Here and there hahahaha Tejaban stan making a brick floor with his very cool *-*! and so there stûv expecting a good between us and music freak too "popular" to our alrrededor XD q skuchan there as much cumbia and hahaha hohoho rob a picture of that mushroom sitting waiting in a Bankit XD!

"I am a mushroom!"

So q said would give this name to the picture XD! long time after the manager arrived, and already we discussed the case of lost kittens qq kiero someone else take them to adopt them and talk to sterilize Our cats XD! good in the end, the talk gave us stûv q long and stretched the truth in charge of the place is someone to admire. _. and q sta sta doing nonprofit work oo! ASSOCIATIONS c called the "Patronato Pro-Animal, AC" is a very conscious of dealing with the sad fact is q animals did not receive the help needed = _ q = q disese people can help and have q ¬ ¬ not only offer! q actually told us what it is porq q good people have donated o_o! and we mention only basis q sta x the time the association T_T! sta takes 7 years to work and aunq q vcs feels can not takeout, but not c discouraged to see dogs and cats q has been given up for adoption in good oo! the truth is to be admired and in fact arrived before q Rob and I talked to help you master ste say right now we do not have jobs stables but at least if you need volunteers oo!, and so is q said we need help and we kien offered to do *-*!! Sundays we go to clean and help with needs in the shelter qc * O * /! and seek to make us second XD kien! in fact open meeting tomorrow L'Arcoholicos former XDDD! to see who encouraged oo c! look at the website aki ste patronage oo! x if you like to visit and see it XDD qc! ke andare tucked inhese months in *-*!!.... We left very animated
*-*!! the place really as I said in a colony keda aunq a little retreat is very clean and tidy o_o! assistsin keremooos! do something good * w *! x love animals! and so no one can tell us anything we xq endless pet or rob and I say: nuestrooos hijooos! * O * / family will grow each XDDD! and well and back home Rob invited me to eat food *///* stûv rikisimaaa!! and then we saw videos of SID *////* and Jay Chou! was very divertidooo! yyy you take a pet picture is Rob's q kieren see *-*?? patio hohohoho ....

is called Che-Arana-san! * O */... che xq is the Argentina again?! XDDD !!... is a spider Argiope
*-* investigate what are not poisonous and only eat insects XDD! and are characterized by beautiful *-* create webs (do not ask how you got there XD!) I said to rob yesterday: oo it will grow! and rob: wuaaaaa the alimentare with more bugs * o */!!! .... and so shall I know XDD! and finally gave me a very kwaisosaaa blue feather! * O * / the fotito aki!
not lindaaa * O *? I really liked a lot * x *! and well after the hole and spend vice YIDA regreese me to my house tired but very happy! XD! tomorrow there will be reunion of former L'Arcoholicos *-*!! seeke has happened to their lives! Abraham XD mr. GM will give us acyl while watching videos in a gun loaned wuahahaha q! stara genial XD! *-*!! be how it goes

XDDD That was it! thanks x tomarc the moestia to read and will come soon Devaria cap.2 XDDDD!


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