Thursday, December 31, 2009
Infection More Condition_symptoms Last days of 2009 Part III - The last day
This "last days" sounded to me xD
To this day the dinner with all the family (maternal side) , so I left the beans (sounds cliche but so is) while they were with other ingredients for dinner and other matters. So far I have not been burned, and I am adding water each time, but are safe in an hour and so.
I see myself in, to look back on my consumption manga and anime that sometimes consumption. The problem is not really remember very well that I managed to finish this year. Luckily I have my post from RCTsearlier this year. Let's see if I can complete the list
I see that this Claymore # 99 on OneManga and, if I do, will finish the manga "New Grappler Baki." Only 20 chapters and Now
Happy New Year. If there is more to this day, tratere editing before going to dinner.
Liver Disease More Condition_symptoms Happy New Year 2010 (Post Recyclable)
Bonner et heureuse Anne 2010!
At fangirls, and fujoshis jantes seme (LOL! XD), which next year will plethora of ideas for their stories, the publishers will bring the sleeves always longed to read English and find more men of flesh and bone for inspiration.
A-kiri, as a virtual big brother, I wish you get better results in the coming year.
To all the readers who read this, gracias for reading this year expire and continue reading me on this next.
Yeah, more post in Inglés language for the new year. I KNOW IT! Pour
présevation de la francophonie, c'est la même chose.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Car Auctions Fredericton Last days of 2009 Part II
Certainly I have no reasonable justification for this: sometimes cent which is the internet speed is low and others that I accumulated fatigue and fails to do what I need, a kind of finishing it takes me to turn off autopilot to go to sleep. For health have been taking water and blinking when I remember that I do .
Today I saw two movies on television, typically moralizing.
There was one incident but has not gone farther. Not yet.
New default icon, of course.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Justerini And Brooks Apparel Last days of 2009 Part I
is why one is better its icons: first you save the search and you feel a satisfaction in creating something with your artistic touch.
did not want to say anything yesterday so I would not take a joke (yes, the famous and special day yesterday), so I decided to post better now.
One of the coolest news is that since Sunday 27 December ... FINALLY MY NOTEBOOK IS ADAPTED TO MY INTERESTS! * SCREAM *
this if that was the best Christmas / New Year. Now only I have to get to get my academic record and the "baby" go with me to college.
Today, December 29, I bought a book "perpetual" means that you can use it every year you want. The dates do not have days (Mon, Tues ... days, so), besides having timetables COMBINATIONS representing all of the Gregorian calendar and only looking at a calendar table that corresponds to a particular Anoy now. Look, I had not fixed to buy it, because I was just looking to be the lowest-priced ($ 79.00 weights MX) and better quality, since it was larger than the other book of the same price, but pocket size.
I do not see so bad, because the obsessive mania conpagina I have with the Post-It's. Now I just need to buy (more) packages of Post-it's generated in different colors. Actually these things are such wonderful tools.
icons buscame Besides, I looked for event dates miners. Apparently none in Mexico and I doubt you can go to Chile. And those who will be in Arizona are in my period of study * snort *.
seems that makes a semi-express trip to see some special people. I want to get all the good spirit and attitude to not cause any disaster.I think so.
is still tomorrow and the day.
Have a great New Year party.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Clansphere Rtcw2 Template DC Comics - "The Blackest Night" and other ramblings
The comics publisher DC Comics is currently publishing "The Blackest Night" , an 'arc' that encompasses the entire DC Comics universe, and its previous events that happened in "Sinestro Corps" and everything on the battle between the corporations.
The plot in one sentence summary would be: the dead have risen.
Then say, "bah, another zombie", "this is like Marvel Zombies?" "Is this a parody of the concept 'comic death'?"
when I answer: yes, but this is different. Here there is no virus not eat the brains. Well, hearts, that.
I've always busy with stories that span the worlds of the big publishers in comics, but I loved this story. Maybe because the "enemy" is the representation of a natural process that does not understand "good" or "bad" death.
The other is how they have to "overcome": looking to the holders of the colored light to form white light.
got it? Sounds like a script for manga / anime shoujo animation magic girl or advertising for a brand of dolls. Lately it has come
fanarts about the event. Maybe when everyone finishesor event, draw a satire. And as I said: it looks like a magic story girl * giggles * low
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Intitle;i-catcher Console - Web Monitor Age
Comment: Yes, she live in the metro XD
A month ago, when returning from the cinema, I was fortunate to be able to achieve a seat on the subway car ( if they live in Mexico City, know that it's almost a miracle) of the women's section was not very late but felt particularly sultry air of the environment, I was watching two ladies seated in front of me and one other on my right, the first carrying a small baby and a boy about 4 years sitting in the legs, the second had only a Niñ , or alsoold legs, similar to the first.
I watched closely, as the second woman gave the child water from a bottle, and immediately the first required his attention. Made me laugh.
Although what really struck me was seeing a man sitting less than two meters long white beard and unkempt hair, wearing sandals and a walking stick, who nodded almost completely asleep.
then turned his eyes to the boy who stood before the Lord. How many years apart may have existed between them?
A path penas is a path beginning and almost concluded. Everything
against one knew what the other should learn ... in their own way and time.
I then looked at me, I'm a little less than halfway.
What I miss to go? Against What I and definitely left behind?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Prostrate Cancer More Condition_symptoms HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRI-ONEESAMA
'll be pleased and critical to my virtual brother,
habildades drawing fanart makes you the sexiest Thor.
If you lived with me invite you to watch movies of David Cronenberg.
But mostly, I would give a big hug for your birthday. So
humbly accept this virtual hug virtual your younger sister.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Testicular Cancer More Condition_symptoms - Cherish & DREAMS - "Because life is full of little details"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Usbextreme - Hdloader 3.8c Freeware Cartoons
I'll slowly put each
Vignette 1
* Choice
I was watching a few minutes.
I thought, after that time, if I had the option to read any text would you choose?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Memory Loss More Condition_symptoms DPO - coindencias List
are sometimes more afraid of me and others are frightening coincidences.
For now hit all previous post and then edit better. *****
(November 12, 2009)
I know, the relationship "pet" owner "is something that has been heard in the stories.
And cats are fascinating animals, full of charm and mystery. Are much more free blacks. Also
witchcraft is common in these areas.
only thing I have to say is...
[Read the synopsis. I like that I feel super predictable]... is that I have been lucky not been a boy with bandages, clothing first century and extreme thinness. EDITED
OK Farsa
alarm. It is an anthology and history that makes reference to the title has nothing good is simploncete. Cute shoujo, it's all. Look
I was also disappointed that the lack of horror. ***********
Creative Skadi
Note # 1 Subject: Pandora Hearts (September 24, 2009) Dear
Skadi Creative
I know it must be burning with anger at the issue, but I have reason tothink again about the issue, seeing it more as a challenge to strive for a stigma to the development of projects.
You must know that the topics:
- Characters eyed
- Donation (in) Accredited eyes, retinas, etc..
- Cats, Cats Palaja dark gray to black
- Strings in any metallic material
- Diamondbacks
- master-slave, servant, Mr.
are common in the middle manga-anime.
Please feel just avoid projects going astray. Aid kit in all the information you need and do not limit it. We appreciate
***** I have not escribia a "autonota."
Hearts Pandora The issue is about the feeling that one of your characters seem created by someone else. Or is telepathic selling your ideas or you're making predictable thinking. Vote for the former.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Kidney Problems More Condition_symptoms Sometimes ... I just need ... listen to that voice ...
Now I understand why lowered your gaze and not talk.
was the goodbye you were not able to tell.
Our shadows are on the way becoming darker and closer, almost overlapping
But now our memories are separate modules will retain
Knowing you've found someone new I found no reason to
you back.
Saying Goodbye. This is the end
Although it is a lie
Our hands become cold, we heme
s become strange
Please do not cry
Because that hold me back llevaríaa
The memories we keep, before they are painful
sonreíry Let's say goodbye
"I can move myself."
The first time I lied
Hoping to stop your tears
is a really important
really made me feel bad saying
Although, in reality, no matter
I hope you find happiness, even
if I have to pretend to be strong
I'd like to say "thank you very much." CHTML
XC Even if we say goodbye Even if we lament
This will be the proof of our meeting
Because that's you.
Our memories will not be deleted
I forget. To remove this feeling from my chest
The moments that we give way to a new future.
hurry, leaving it behind,
I would smile and say a last farewell.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
National Credit Counselors Of Canada *-* ~ Masuhappy-chan desu ~!
Jujujuju Akip pics up some goodies q gave me wicked and evil Sandyrella Rob Ms. *-*!! souls kita XDD hohoho! hermosooos really are! I liked very much! thanks to both *-*!! m not expecting it! Sunday and I'm sorry things ended up seeing more NEWS XDDD I perooo no movies or something and I do not blame the dvd rob q kiera no VAMPS XD! asi q no other hahahaha, q even so it does not pass it XDD! Sandyrella discovered by a new snack XD q me seemed quite tasty XDDD! porq be hungry? -O-sure was that ~
In order to have the next Sunday as we will do with inventions q in the kitchen of Sandyrella XDDD! I present to Masuhappy aki-chan * x *!
& amp; nbsp;
AND THEY WERE *!!!! AAAWA TODOOOS * O ~ had XDDD q presume the !!!!~ otherwise not felt made hahahahaha ~ m
to prontito *-*/!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Side Effects Of Sterling Silver just to congratulate ^_^!!
Okay so it is, this post I'm going to devote to 3 little people ~ ^^!!!
Take-Chanya bittersweet of my life ~! * X *
This greeting sounds a little bizarre perhaps XD!, But t congratulate you experience your first autopsy * O *! Q crazy XDD I saw long ago of an autopsy photos in a cell and it was strange too oo ".... now you witness live and in full color !!... oo aaaaw my XD I'd be afraid! you are very valiantI * w *! Forensic seras as Ikuta Toma in the drama * O *! q chido esq exciting *.*!! what you will learn many things oo! really was as exciting this is what father and q is very interesting all this tnga q q do with the branch of medicine to me personally porq me like I'm just very smart and I'm a nervous wreck but I would XDD *-*!! liked to study medicine cardiology in particular XD! and no, do not get the hallucinatory after watching Code Blue ¬¬... he would only increase more XD! but hey this is something interesting *-*!! hechale really want in your practice takes-Chanya ~! * X *! and Do not fall!'re giving all your effort and q all live in such practices make you stronger every day! asi q Animo! t kie^ ^ ro!
My Bottle Tawsunishi of Akanishi *-*!! nishi (q aunq deny XDD love him you love him and know wuahahaha ~!)
But with the beginning x please XD! a very special greeting Dou-chan is a project q is q will give an excellent result you're engaging fully on and it's something you really admire q is q q have much faith in this novel and I see the light I have a lot tmb q confidence as they see it love it! t I told yous the gift to write q is great all manage to convey the feeling q q live each of those stories stories q, q love and hate the characters q mourn with them! *-*!! q passion that you have to write Dou-chan and as occurred with Sensei is something q transmitted to us as readers! thanks for sharing it with me in advance I apologize porq not continued with my reading of what I pasastes q Dou-chan -.- "damn asker commitments but I propose to continue porq you know I love this novel! TT! many felcidades x q that ingenuity to create your stories and wish you much success with Dou-chan q novel promises to be a favorite! I need not tell trust q q q will succeed porq will know = P!! I read all the q*_*!!! know q keda so just tell ANIMOOOO! TAWSU GOOO GOOO! * W *! ~ te kiero shuuu *_*!!
HARUUUUU MATSUUMOTOO KEMEMOOOOS A * O *! (q know XDD kidding ... tmb kiero what ... aha ... XD)
Recently I found out through a post he left to Tawsu q q kiero passed a test to congratulate you for that *-*!! really talked very little and I think it's my fault XDD q! you know something cerradita q =_="!!'m sorry hahaha but between your tickets crazed and ohno nino XD! I see you applied tmb qs school of good source (looking at bottle ~) you're a smart girl *--*!! Haru eager hechale! ^ o ^ /! I hope we can talk more and get to know more cool! XDD! cuidatee * x *!
q well I think that's all for today XD! hahaha the girls kiero mucho! cuidence lot! and thanks for passing x aki q see crazy XDD scribe nonsense! I see the messenger * x *! bye bye ~!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Liver Failure More Condition_symptoms Call me CRAZY! * _ *
craziest IF ~ I can not kedar ... overload after having NEWSU q hese days, but is too good to be true, but this DVD of his last concerts only disappoint the cover *-* ~ porq the contenidooo OH MY EITO YELLOW RANGER! ONDAAAAAAA IS !!!!!!! * runs everywhere *........ x but hey that content will speak after sto q for a while XDDD! (Q odd is where all c aki away to see my Frikes q x them lasted more than usual XDD) ...
But this one post ... is special and everything that makes Pi * w * (sii kejaba qc ajaaaa the poodle in her hair ABO koi no ... I am a sold XDD I love him with all my being evil ¬ ¬ U ok?) q stoy more traumatizedthe new song as a soloist of Mr. Yamashita * w *! LOVELESS pooor favooor esq who has broken the chocolate so for q corazonsito sing all these things so beautiful T_T ~.... whether or not I love him XD! aki the translation * w *:
Now I understand why lowered your gaze and not talk.
was the goodbye you were not able to tell.
Our shadows are on the way becoming darker and closer, almost overlapping
But now our memories are separate modules will retain
Knowing you've found someone new I found no reason to
you back.
Saying Goodbye. This is the end
Although it is a lie
Our hands become cold, we have become strangers
Please do not cry
Because that hold me back llevaríaa
His memories before they are painful
sonreíry Let's say goodbye
"I can move myself." The first time I lied
Hoping to stop your tears
is a really important
really made me feel bad saying
Although, in reality, no matter
I hope you find happiness, even if I have ordergir be strong
I'd like to say "thank you very much"
Even if we say goodbye Even if we lament
This will be the proof of our meeting
Because that's you. Our memories may be erased
I forget. To remove this feeling from my chest
The moments that we give way to a new future.
hurry, leaving it behind, I would smile and say a last farewell
credits to: loveless-pv-version-short / # more-244
Y porq thehallucinatory gives more oooooh if XDD! after a few thousand to eight thousand skucharla vcs note q. .. this song and video reminded me of someone .... And IBS SEÑORITAAAS! * XD * deskiciandoc meaningless in the shadow of a certain Mr larukiano OoO persiguee me! ok if I trauma skuchar voices and then see one after another pvs XDDD my reminded me a pv Tetsuya but did not give up q-Chanya Take my life I said maybe 3 people stoy crazy but some of my matched q vocals and rhythm were similar and always likes to take the opposite and the other q are known Nisker NEWS XDDD ... so q. I can test with more frikearm x it .... hahahaha
Yamashita Tomohisa - LOVELESS = wqSsNbEipNo
*________________* this frikea me so much ~ ... as I told Nishikido esq not remember me my love x Ogawa late XD! On the contrary this reinforces for me hallucinate but my 100% improved *~... Yamashita * w yes, that is unbearable andare XDD! gomen ~ Take-Chanya
thanks x the walls encantron me the amoooo * O *!!!!! qm crazy crazy place! @ O.... XDDDDD sto too ...
to luegooo hohoho ~ * O * /
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hpv More Condition_symptoms Q LE PASA AL TYPE ¬ err. ¬ 9!
is that as demasiadooo dares to be cute, sexy, intelligent, manly, talentosooo , etc etc!! señooor noooo! porq?! q Kitaro wins chaste and pure my eyes q were just looking for Mr. Yamashita Tomohisa! to look at him and love him just now on! quee hiceee to deserve estooooo?! * falls to the floor in total shock and just ahoraa * q anda x alla English land ... or who knows where desaparecidoo! I have conquered grossly ¬¬!!! justoo not! aki is when I curse a few times to Mr. Takizawa ¬ ¬ U and let go so as AsIII and corner as he prefers to surround himself or & ntilde; you and leave aside this hermosooo angel T_T ( if aki is where reason loses ~ edy) not entenderee nuncaaa!!
If this is a cry SIII desesperadoo! by conkistarme SimpleEase that but so amazing! his smile and those Ojoo and and T______T voooz! TSUBASA IMAI HATE YOU!! ¬ or ¬ 9
*_____* hehehehe ~ I lost ~ awkwardly with that look
stoy so Esq q aunq ste bad there all jeton drooling seems to me the most cute T__T!
Somebody hit me! I can not see those smiles! TOT
After seeing these shows in T & T. .. and pvs ... and SM to be reduced from two concerts in just too much for me T_T! q of q and one comprendeee XDDDDDDD'm senile!! psychological Atake such amazing XDD will finish me! AMOOO A TSUABASAAA IMAAAIIIIIIII!! * O *
(((Bottle-chan thanks for yesterday regain my zest to your company, sorry for caring kierooo oo ~ x something you're my Tawsunishi! *___* ! we more tarof via IM ^ x ^ v! !!))))
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sore Shoulder More Condition_symptoms THE PICTURES SAY MORE THAN A THOUSAND WORDS!! XD ~ so even opinare
(((The gift dand my q-chan Bottle opened at 11:35 pm on October 14 and which bottle XD eskucho my hysterical reaction to my cries as he kept repeating over and over again "wuaaa graciae netooo graciae TOT! "mode on which hysterical schoolgirl fan XDDD! ... (Apologies if t leave me deaf ;__;!!! but TT so excited! Call and stand by x, _, are very strong bottle * w * ~) esq esq ... M REALLY XDD hands were shaking! and obviously I saw that night so q pass from October 14 to October 15 NEWSLAND happily lost while Newsu sang and danced joyously to me and my neighbors *-* porq sure hated not sleep ~ ~ with my screams and volume of the tv * w * but .... importaa q! XDDD I was happy wuahahaha! (The remarkable maturity of 27 ~ XD! Wuaaa ~ now I'm sad to remember how crazy I stood gomen ~ hahahaha but can not hide my emotion exciting XD hahahahaha)))
img381.imageshack .us / gal.php
((((In the case as I walked in total hysteria with NEWS and I have to get my hands on Take-Chanya gift from my sweet sour Korazon the which I began to open at 12:00 o'clock U_U yyy y. ... when I opened the corner was noooo paketin muchooo ..................... for if my tears miiii Stuven close to overflowing with this was the end did not suffer any shock before hysteria xDD! Sandyrella tuuu know how I got from sending you messages hahahaha unbearable "wuaaaaaaa ~ * O * q felicidaaad!" and video and others to answer and I q I q the nag XDDD!, but when I saw the posters esq x favooor while the beginning porfavoooor pacific! XDDD happiness was complete! only mirenlooos * O * and I love them as XDDDD ... do it ¬ ¬! XDDDD))))
(((And obviously I had unbearable q up what is their Niñ you beautiful beautiful and perfect and most unique of the JE q U_U! (if nobody is going to stand in a few weeks XDDD) yyy y..are a lot of stuff really * w *? me the gift of cartelitos-Chanya Takes a couple of months are decorating stuff rebonitos q poseeo now my evil spawn * O *! ~ * wallowing happily aaaaaw which nippon fan complex XDD *))))
Many thanks to the q agreed to send me some present; O; Bottle-chan thanks for the TT Pacifiku-chan! q we see together ~ * w *! Take-Chanya of my kokoro! TT not know how to cry with emotion with the posters was a shock thank you very much made me so happy T_T! Haruu arigatoo by the post you left on the previous entry T___T yy y.. q q q bueno penalty skuchaste I cry XDDD!! hahahahaha was a nice start of the grueling 27 XDD! treintañeraaa there I ~ XDDDDD!!
((to Pi c Keja XDD!))
the kiero Bye bye ~ * x *!!!!
(((q apologize You upload the imgs so XD! But slower sta sta pc nothing ¬ ¬ q! Kedo asi q no me another but can Chekara XDD on the links! Graciae * w *~)))
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Pontoon Paddle Boat For Sale AH !!!!! HOUR AND A HALF!! and went back oo!
ludos all FRIENDS! XDD q tngo not think the lack of precencia x aki hahaha ~
Monday, August 3, 2009
Gout More Condition_symptoms fic "The Queen of the Seas II
When he reached his room, Jensen lay on the bed. He was physically and mentally exhausted. It was not supposed to work last night, but her boss had called him late, so had not slept all night. Had not cared to do so, because, although I had the interview the next day, I was pretty confident, knew that his project was good and hoped to convince interviewers that he was what they wanted. But now nothing made sense, had dreamed of working in this study and to leave behind all his life, but apparently have to wait for another chanceopportunity.
closed his eyes thinking about Sam, no ... in Jared. In Mr. Padalecki.
Jared Padalecki, the heir to the best study of architecture in the city, the youngest entrepreneur and a future promise in the world of buildings. The same confused guy who knew a few years ago, the only one I got carried away, giving in each stroke, making love as he had always wanted to do and to do so. The same who left him in his bed without a word.
stood up, feeling the anguish he was starting to pant, could have an anxiety attack, was sufficiently poor to afford these things, so I decided to try to get some sleep. Now he was glad not to have tograss Italian restaurant where he worked weekends, wake up just in time for work.
Jared watched amazed the apartment building that was the address given in the report that the chief of staff had made about Jensen after selected for interview. He had never looked at this report and had lost several hours looking for the blond in the direction he had put into the curriculum. There had been informed that Jensen had lived there until six or seven months ago, when the tenant with the blonde took a trip lived. Knowing that the fair had been living with another guy had left a sinking feeling in the body, but decided to ignorerarla, Jensen was now alone, or so I wanted to believe, so I thought to search and clarify things with him.
looked at the aspect of the environment: it was not the worst neighborhood in the city, but if one of the most humble, and people who lived in it not working exactly as described, quite the opposite. Understood why the blond had not put this address in the curriculum. Their situation must be pretty bad if I had to live in one of these apartments.
took about half an hour trying to find Jensen's apartment, but had not been able to find even a mailbox on your behalf. Had asked several people, but none had managed to answer, so I started thinking that he vived there. Then he saw an older woman came in with a bag and decided to describe to Jensen, so he asked if he knew a very handsome blond boy, a student and always had very large notebooks. Their amazement knew no bounds when, in fact, he did live there in a room on the top floor.
Jensen left the shower and dried slowly. He had hardly slept, and when he got it he had dreamed the night Sam and the boat, only this time Sam-Jared itself had fired him. He had done, saying that "it was a good fuck, but I would not hire him because it was only a waiter without a title, and that of surveyor did not count because there was no bar design. After that, she did not sleep, so tired of spinning, decided to go and shower, hopefully at that time there was no one occupying the shower. When he finished shaving adjusted the robe and walked toward his room. Would be dressed and made the restaurant, maybe I could get something to eat before you start your turn.
just choose the clothes that would be when someone knocked on the door. Surprised, because no one used to visit, opened. Do not know who to expect, but certainly did not expect the impressive Mr. Padalecki. Jared
finished climbing the stairs when he saw the figure in a bathrobe away down the hall. At the time he was recognized, but the situation left him baffled tace. Never have a chance with the blonde if it did not say what happened on the boat, so I took a step, entering the small room and forced to retreat Jensen.
- "Hi, Jen."
Jensen, meanwhile, did not know what to think. At the door of his room was miserable Jared Padalecki, with his impeccable suit and expensive shoes, the man they had been willing to do anything to work with him. No, he's not in your company, that is. By working in his studio would have done anything, but he would not hire him, he was sure, he just remembered he was a mere bartender who had taken a tumble, so did not understand that over there in your room. When he heard his vo.- "They spoiled it all, but I was scared ... Please talk to me. " Jensen
away everything I could, it seemed to be reliving the last night. Sam was not afraid for the same reason, but it was in other respects. He made her feel things I never felt for another man, and those feelings had done much harm the other time. - "Sorry, as I said," I do not know ... 'd better go. "
- "Damn, Jen! I will not go, I need to talk to you. I looked for a long time and now that I've found, I will not miss the opportunity to clarify things, ".- He tried to calm down to see the serious face of the blond, and she closed her eyes and did the first thing that happened. - "OK, dices do not know me, well ... My name is Jared Padalecki, but once lied to someone important to me, saying I called Sam. You can call me any way you like, but talk to me, I assure you I'm happy to talk with you. "
Jensen looked at him seriously, did not know how to deal with this S-Jared was in the middle of her ramshackle room ready to talk to him. Then he remembered his project and what types of interview they said, seemed very excited about their idea, that made him suspicious.
- "Why are you here?".
- "I told you, I need to talk to you about what happened between us" .- He took the blond seemed distracted to come and take your shoulders.- "I knew I was doing silly when I go that way, but ... Look, can we sit and talk slower? ".
We observed for a few seconds and ended with a nod, then, with it, pointed out the bed. But Jared did not let go, just took him by the arm, causing him to sit sideways on the bed, doing the same thing in front of the blond.
- "What I told the boat was true, had a girlfriend, but she ended leaving me and accusing me of being gay. I did not know, never had a relationship with a boy or girl before, but my mother told me the same, so I gave the ticket. The truth is that I went to the adventure and knew that was going to meet, I assumed that maybe somesex with a guy, sex clarify matters for me, so I was willing to accept what happened. And what happened is you showed your ".- For a moment stopped talking and, like I could not help it, raised his hand and stroked her cheek gently.
- "The first time I saw you were in the pool. This guy, Tom was called, was bothering. At first I saw you, but then you woke up and I could not stop looking at you, you came a moment and tell me about where you worked. I could not stop thinking about you, and when at night you saw in the coffee ... I could not help looking at you, you were perfect, handsome, intelligent, you understood me, we agreed on many things ... I could hardly believe it was real and, then, is not what happened, but you fuiste angry and I ... well, I drank the rest of the night. I guess you could say you're to blame for my first drunken "said .- He finished with a wink.
- "Hey, you can not blame me for something that I had nothing to do."
- "Do not worry, it was a prank. I was the fool, you're not forced me to do nothing ".- He was silent for a few seconds and then resumed his narration .-" The next night was going to get you, wanted to clarify what had happened, but someone invited me one of the clubs, there ... I met a good guy, drank y. .. Well, I realized that if he was gay. Then when I went to find you, I met Tom and his friends y. .. Well, when I got out I saw your work with otro man. He was older and he kept his hand and you get you laughed ... I could not help, so I followed him to his room. "
Jared got up and walked away as if he needed to separate from Jensen, as if he felt hurt by the blond, who watched him in silence, remembering all the things he had felt while Jared.
- "You had no right, there was nothing between you and me, but I hurt, I felt betrayed, and the funny thing is that really there was nothing that was not feeling well. I ended up drinking and taking things ... Well, I did more to drink that night. There are still things I do not remember very well, but I think, beyond that, I had to fuck me allblondes that were left. Not that I'm proud, but I did it with everyone who reminded me of you ... This I have been recalling the time, but some things never turn my head, for example, do not know how I spent the last day, but I remember the night. That I could never forget. "
Amid the last paragraph, Jared had been leaning against the wall facing the ground, but now raised his head, looking into his eyes as he spoke.
- "I know I was about to do something horrible that I hurt you at some point, but I also know you who know how to handle the situation and that made him the best night of my life" .- He sighed and I keep looking at him, focusing on the ground again .- "When I woke up from aave so remembered everything, how I was cornered and about to force you ... Damn, I wanted as I was about to rape you! ".
- "But you did not."
- "Because you prevent it, returning the situation to your favor, do not think I do not know, so I knew that morning. I think that was one of the reasons why I left, I felt guilty, I still feel. You were kind to me, I wish y. .. "
-" S-Jared, nothing happened, nothing would have happened were it not that you left, you left me like a whore. Damn you! You know how I felt? How I felt all this time? Not even with a normal relationship ... are always three and not two ".- Jensen said the last sentence in lowbut Jared listened.
- "Three?".
I looked and knew it was time to put everything on the table, he had sought and was now there, willing to listen, and tell God I thought what I thought. - "Yes, three. Apparently you are not the only one who has not forgotten. When did you knew I liked you, is adorable with all the confusion that drag, but also, for that matter, were dangerous, so I wanted to get away from you. In my view you were just a confused child, directed by her mother, a child who does not know what I wanted. An adorable child and dangerous ".- He stopped and stood up to push higher towards the bed, now speak it .-" I liked a lot, but I knew you'd bea problem. Still, you wait for the second day, but you did not show up either day or night. John was a good guy, and we knew of another bar where I worked, y. .. well, it was always crazy about me, I think it still is ... I waited, only we'd gone and I had spoken, I ... but never arrived. He was there and I needed someone to hug me. I wanted was you, I knew it would be a problem, was willing to risk ... but never showed. " "He stopped and walked toward the small window, looking out for her as she kept talking .-" When I saw you last night with those guys, it hurt. If you were with them was because you were in the same way and the truth is that they were jerks. I assumed that was forgettingyou definitely. But then you look for me. " He turned to face him, "You scared me a little, did not seem the same guy I had known, stank of alcohol y. .. I think you'd gotten something else. "
- "I do not know, my mother, well, when we talked about what happened ... think that's why I do not remember things, maybe Tom gave me something I do not know. "
- "You speak? Does your mother know what happened? ".
wincing Jared smiled .- "Yes, she knows what I did, I was knackered so, by the way I left, so she did not stop until I told him what happened to you. She agreed that I was a bastard to use you that way. "
- "Oh, I que after all your mother's going down well. "
- "She will love you if you let it, of course."
- "Do not take anything for granted, cowboy, still do not know if you deserve something that I could give you" .- Jensen looked out the window getting serious .- "You scared me, but it is also true that I wanted be with you. I did not want just sex, I never liked that option but ... is what gives you most, and there are times when you need off your chest and give you a hug. When I saw that you could change things ... I did and I gave you everything I was looking for another man. I do not know if you feel something, but it was not just sex. You seemed to have gained much experience in this field in just two days, but none of them made you lover, I'm sure. I wanted you to see the difference, but apparently was not a good teacher. We did it three times and I thought you understood, you would know to expect me, but I was wrong. " He saw Brown's gesture and shook his head .- "I did not need an awakening with flowers or jewelry, even breakfast in bed, I would have settled for a kiss and a warm farewell. But you did not give me any choice. "
- "I'm so sorry, I was wrong and I paid far, I've been searching all this time. I've never done it again, love, I say. I've been with many men, but sex has always been, and did not want to lose your memories ".- He got up and walked to the blonde, who looked calm from the window.
- "SE lived with an uncle until recently. Not look at me, before I came here I went to the other address that appeared on your resume. I'm not judging, I pod ... "
-" It was John ... the type of boat ".- saw the look of surprise on the other and began to explain .-" We were more times, until a year and half ago or so, we are in the street. I was looking for a house, he had paid college tuition and hardly had pasta for an apartment. He invited me to live with him, first as friends, but he always wanted something more than myself, something I could never give ... He came often traveling for days, even months, so together we lasted longer, but finally had to go, I could not give him what he wanted,yes I looked for something I could afford and here I am. For now all I can afford, thinking that it would charge in ... in your company ... It was a mistake, I knew when I looked, never give me the job, right? ".
- "If you had not run out this morning would have known that the post was yours since I saw your project. Damn, Jen! You're great, your ideas, how to project the cover ... Damn, Jen, if I take you to the company, my own employees are going to throw me and my grandfather, I'm sure going to disinherit me, not to nominate my mother, sure that this time I layer.
- "Are you saying I'm hired?".
- "Yes, it is what you want, but be warned: Ito burden, to harass, to give me a chance. I will let anyone, the works council, trade unions, lawyers for the company, all so they know what I'm doing. I need and I can not lose again. "
- "Wall, you're crazy, I do not know" .- He tried to calm himself, could not be true, I was dreaming of a fairy tale with a prince, and eventually wake up in his little room, longing for the boy she met.
- "What little I know once served to fall in love, do you think that if I know more I will run away from you? With what it cost me meet again, do you think I'm going to risk losing you again?
CHAPTER 8 Jared looked
the window of the cabin, well, not a window was actually a "door balcony overlooking the ocean," as they called in the pamphlet in his hand and described the room. This time Sherry had passed, the room was too big for one person and an excessive luxury. I knew she was worried about the situation with Jensen, but although she had observed what had happened with the blond in the past and had not attempted to influence the coexistence between them in the studio, now seemed to have forgotten his love of it because if not, how it was explained that he had kidnapped and forced to take a little vacation away from the rookie of the study? That
weekend break out aboard "The Queenof the seas "did not know and understand, but perhaps his mother was asking him to pass page because Jensen had refused to have anything with him. He wanted to prove he was there because it was worth for the job, not because "the boy's head."
sighed while looking for his bathing suit. Not that I think of finding a possible link, but would have to pass the time somehow, so I start to lose time in the pool watching the guys who were there.
like last time, looked around and found an empty hammock, so he laid down, and that's when he realized he was more or less the same place as last time. He looked around and saw a body lying a few yards of him wasa tall, muscular form, for him, perfect, topped with a small short that showed a gilded skin soft as it suited him and made him bite his fingers caress of desire. Observed his face covered with a towel, not allowed to see any feature, and allowed to fantasize about the unknown for a few minutes, you could come and talk to him, inviting him to dinner ... Surprised, she turned not to see the guy in the hammock and walk up to the bar to order a drink. Drinking and realized that long ago that did not look any man in this way, none that was not Jensen. He closed his eyes for a moment, wanted to return to the past, when he saw Jensen lying on the same site, bringing the same type of swimsuit, the samecolor and looking just as appetizing ......¡¡ What the hell!
opened his eyes and turned looking for the guy in the hammock, but it was not there. Then she felt him move his hand and turning the head, was found with huge green eyes that looked serious Jensen.
- "You know, Sherry every day I admire more, do not know if angry or ignore the fact that she was the one that changed my schedule to force me to bring planes to a prospect who traveled on this ship, making sure to solve it before the ship sailed. "
Jared looked at him devouring his image, but still listening to what he was saying.
- "Jen ?....¿ was you? The one on the hammock was you ...!" CHTML
XC Jared could not keep the smile crossed his lips, he loved his mother as well as the serious blonde looked at him making him feel guilty of something that had not blame .- "Well, if she has sent here to talk to a prospective client, you have to do it. "
- "Nope, the client, apparently, called and canceled the interview, but I got the news until the ship had already sailed. If they had told me earlier, he could have gone home, but now I have to stay here throughout the trip ".- said, pouting .-" And no clothes to change into, because I could buy a bathing suit and the captain has given me a promotional shirt. "
- "Well, coincidentally, I alsotoy here helplessly, so we could ...."- got up, stood in front of the blond, who looked fun .- "Hello, my name is Jared and I'm at your feet." Jensen
him with a small smile, could not help it, I knew I had fallen into a trap, but the truth is he was tired of rejecting the advances of Jared.
When you notice that Jared felt "harassed at work", he knew it would be difficult, had not been able to forget when they saw it, so I see him every day and cut their progress would be crazy. And it had been, Jared had not given her break, inviting him to breakfast, lunch and dinner, she looked in her new apartment, anything needed s Jared got itcaring in their rejections ... The truth would have been a torture if it was someone else, but it was Jared and he was in love with the giant. That is why it was so difficult.
At the time he lived with John, he sometimes said he was in love with an ideal that had never really known the real Sam, because, as Jen had told him, were only together for a weekend . But he discovered that Jared was all he had thought and more. Intelligent, hardworking as they come, good companion, friendly, polite, playful, affectionate, stubborn, tenacious ... So, despite how heavy it was and sometimes the anger that caused him to your invitations, every day was more in love. I could notavoid and he was tired of rejecting.
When Sherry told him planes had to deliver on that boat refused. I did not want to go back there, even for a few hours, but she gave no option to refuse.
When I saw that the hour of sailing and Mr. Westinton not appear began to get nervous.
When he saw as the boat was leaving the port became hysterical.
When the captain informed him that his appointment had warned that it could not come, he replied that he had no ticket or clothes.
knew something was wrong but did not know what it was.
The captain had been "very friendly" understanding their situation, and of giving him some T-shirtsreciéndole his cabin and bed. Cabin and captain who could fled to time, taking refuge in a ship's pools. It was there, to see Jared, realized what had happened: SHERRY.
At first I knew what to do and only managed to cover her face, but I was so used to feeling his eyes he knew that Jared had seen. Then I decided, no more hiding, had shown that caliber, that was not protected by the owner, so now was to find the man he wanted.
got up and saw him from behind, so he went slowly, but when I reached him he turned around without seeing him for a few seconds, but then turned and looked at him in amazement. Then he knew it was her moment, this time he would have the first word.
- "You know, Sherry every day I most admire, I do not know if you get angry or ignore the fact that it was she who changed the calendar to force me to bring planes to a prospect who traveled on this ship, making sure to solve it before the ship sailed. "
felt devouring eyes and decided to get serious while Jared stuttered, but when she saw the giant dimples could only explain their presence on the boat in a serious way. After flirting began to brown. He assumed it would cost a bit closer to wall, but when he joined a few seconds to occur, knew he had his second chance and this time did not think to pass up.
- "Hi, Jensen and since I have no cabin, I would be interested in spending all weekend in your own." He saw how the face of joy began to show Jared stiffen and knew what was happening, so I just went and passing his arms through the neck of Wall, said: - "Actually, I'd be interested in going out, enter , work, breakfast, lunch, dinner, live, sleep and, above all, make love to you, do you think I have any chance? ". Jared
his arms around Jensen's waist as he stared at her. Know why the blonde had been refusing to engage with him and had been waiting patiently, well, more or less. If Jensen had now decided to giver the decisive step, he would not be left behind, so I approached her mouth lowest ear and whispered as she hugged:
- "I promise that if you go into that cabin, you're going to leave me in all your life, because I swear that I will not ever leave. "
Jensen just smiled as he let go and he took her hand to start walking.
- "And you say that cover is your cabin?" End
"The Queen of the Sea" followed by their gay cruises for a long time, used to repeat customers Adventure cruising looking to find easy, some for years, but Jensen and Jared nunca returned. They never sailed for pleasure, but the two times I rode him find love. Curious
to go with the same person in two trips. They spend the rest of their lives with that person ... maybe it was Destiny?.
Noppppp was the magic of the boat, which only works with those seeking true love.
LJ I edited because I remove the chapter 6 which is supposed to came out at the other input. Sorry. Besos. Tabora
602 Pro Lan Suite 2004 94fbr Fic of Baby Bang. "The queen of the seas"
of Tabora. Jensen
tired of working again, after all had from six in the evening and was past four o'clock in the evening. It was the last night of the cruise and everyone wanted to be a good bounce, but this consisted of drunk falling down the stairs, so even a site as classic as the Paris café, was invaded by guys downing all they could afford.
Sam had seen several times throughout the night, even served him twice, but then disappeared, leaving Preocoupage, as he was too drunk. Well, his problem was not what the giant was going to do, but would have liked to get to know you better. Oh, yes, I would very much! Although well thought out, the guy had a head full of problems and, until they discovered that was what I wanted on sex and not accepted, it would be a conflict with legs, sip, a verrry long legs.
remembered having had doubts about his sexuality, but he, with a father absent most of the time and a dead mother, did not have anyone to confess their doubts, so when a young man approached him in one of the hotels for which his father drew him, just let them do. Maybe not the best way to discover one's sexuality, but was very gratefulpossible, a lot.
One of the first times that Sam had talked with him, said his mother thought it would be good for him to do this cruise, which will serve to open his eyes and so had given the ticket. When your own mother invites you to a four-day gay cruise .... She should take things very clear.
dodged a couple who had decided to leave having sex under the moon and continued walking. He had seen too much gay sex in these four days, the truth or were you want to observe, as did some others.
was about to disappear from the deck through a door when he heard loud laughter that made him turn his head forward. Then I saw: it was the groupthis tall, dark, Tom, he remembered it was called but he was not in sight. He had searched the day after seeing him in the pool, trying a quick romp, but he had rejected and Tom was offended. He had put a little silly when he discovered that working as a waiter, but later clarified that he was not there to please at the look he wanted, the type was gone to the more liberal local boat.
was going to go to his room when a motion was finally discovered where he was the dark: I was lying on the floor almost anyone who laughed nervously and known. It made him look more insistently, and then saw him was Sam, Tom laughed as he manoseaba over clothing. Despite the weariness that dragged, felt her body stiffen as something akin to rage made him a grunt of dissatisfaction. Sam was a good kid, did not deserve to end up like toy "Mr. Alpha gays."
already seen them before with guys like Tom, key assets, believed that they were "most" of what could aspire and which also had the good fortune to be strong physically, so that could be imposed. This, for what other kids had told him, was a regular on these cruises, rich, moody and a real bastard. I knew she was lucky the first time they had a run, since the guy did not look again, but it seemed that Sam had notso lucky.
When Tom saw Sam lying on practically biting his neck as his hands disappeared under the shirt of the boy turned to leave, but could not advance. Sam did not seem wrong. Judging by the laughter, Tom was not forcing anything, but .... Dammit! He thought Sam was a boy confused and frightened by what I was feeling, well, do not think it was passive. But it was clear that Tom did not care for the boy's mental conflicts and use of passive thought tonight.
between what Tom had heard there were good things, apparently the guy just wanted his pleasure no matter what, and even had told him about a kid who hnce complained that Brown did not accept no for an answer.
returned to turn the body to see the couple trying to see if Sam needed help. From what I could see, Sam was under, but had managed to push the dark, leaving a little space between them, and seemed to be saying something. At that moment he heard a noise behind her and heard a loud voice and decidedly drunk.
- "Heeey, tioo!," Quiereees marchaaaaaaaa ?...... Essstás good !!..."- said, placing his hand on Jensen's chest .- "tuu Ersss ?..... Heyyyyyy, TOM! It's the blond, the posh coffee! ". Jensen
departed from the boy as he frowned upon hearing his words, had refused to call tiención partner or those around them, but now it was impossible. He watched as Tom stood up, looking at him with a gesture of annoyance, as Sam was separated with an expression of relief that saw him moved to confusion.
- "Hey, tioo, want maaaarcha? Tom says he has a stick stuck by cuuulo. Perooo I can get it off and get you something else ".- The type treatment to embrace Jensen, but he walked away, leaving the other embraced the air.
did not want problems, so that after shaking her head, began to walk away from the boy. If Sam was with those stupid it was clear that he was wrong with him.
Before heading out the door looked one last time to the couple: Tom spoke to another of thes boys who approached him a glass, but Sam stared with an expression that could not recognize.
CHAPTER 1 Sam looked out the window. I always thought that the boats had the round windows, but of course, a cabin like the one her mother had arranged had to be the best, and even had a small balcony.
When Sherry was given the ticket to the most famous gay cruising along the coast, thought he was crazy, but after the first impression, he acknowledged that perhaps he was right. Maybe she had always known, but it was something new.
It was twenty years and no sexual experience. Pero was not his fault. At fifteen he began to travel with their mother throughout the world, until the nineteen did not return to what he considered his home and by then, his former college friends were scattered in different universities, so never again view. When he joined the college just knew how to relate to people under forty-something, perhaps it took longer to start making friends, and then met Sandy, she was pretty, brunette, petite and seemed to be crazy about him.
seemed. He left his mind when he found her in bed with Chad. It was then when she charged that, in fact, he did not like women and therefore is not sleeping with her. Finally I yelled that was usedndo to hide.
That made him think, is really not had any experience, except for a few kisses and caresses to Sandy, but it was also true that those kisses had not excited, or wish they had done something else. Felt more pleasure stroking it a mere nipple, that he had caused her stroking over his pants.
is spent thinking about the people he had met on his travels, although all were older, had sometimes coincided with children or grandchildren of ambassadors, and then related to them. Thinking, he discovered that he had always approached the boys, but that was normal, right? A boy of sixteen years old I wanted to play with other children, girls were not playing rugby orbasketball. They were not fun.
But what if you did not approach them because they really attracted him?
had spent almost a month locked up at home, leaving only to go to class. I did not know how to react, in his mind he had planned his whole life would end his career in architecture, he put his own business, find a good girl and have a family with several children and a dog, but now there was nothing he could not think of anything he saw no future.
All he had was his career and clung to it.
knew his mother had been worried at first did not know the reason for his attitude, but apparently had no problem understanding when, two weeks agoas "chance" Sandy had met at the apartment of the girl.
He had not said anything, but slowly had begun to take issues of homosexuality, making him speak, admitting it was something that she accepted and respected, making it gradually began to open. The final surprise was the passenger on the cruise.
Now was there, knowing I had three days to be surrounded by men who felt like him. I did not know I was going out of everything, but I hope it helps.
bikini and decided to put up one of the pools, perhaps it was time to get to know your fellow travelers.
It felt a bit embarrassed, was surrounded by uncles more or less covered that with his eyes devouring each other and be the focus of some of those looks did not make him feel at home.
watched a tall guy with a great body on his way to another that was lying, and decided to watch to see how to start a relationship. But he could not learn much, the high had a hand lying on his chest and he pushed her hard, as he sat. He did not know what they were saying, but it was clear that wanted no lying high, which is away from the other muttering expletives that reached his ears, but the guys around them, looking at him grinning.
That made him understand that high must be an old conocido of some of the guys and should not be very appreciated. Curious, I looked at the boy lying, I could see he had a good body, but nothing more.
devoted itself to the boy recliner and began reading a magazine on the boat. Was curious about the boy lying and since he had nothing else to do, wait for it to rise. Just
had spent a quarter of an hour when a movement made him look up the magazine and look at the figure who had joined the hammock. When he felt his mouth dry. The boy was standing, showing a perfect golden muscles, extending from a body not as tall as him, but the high end of the day. At that time, he becameto pick something up from the hammock, revealing a long, freckled back and upturned ass and perfect.
prayed for the boy take off his hat that obscured his features, as if he had heard in the sky, a gust of wind made the hat from flying away in the direction where he was lying. Feeling
shaking, watched the boy come to pick it up. This had been a few inches from his feet, so that when he bent down, he could see the face of the boy. At that moment two things happened: the body decided that with dry mouth and not breathing could no longer alive, so that with a gasp, his mouth opened, letting in the air in such a way as to choke him, making him cough. As a conence of the odd cough, the guy at the end to grab his cap, he set his face, which seemed to be drowning.
- "Are you okay?".
could not speak, the air was not finished going well and also felt dizzy. The problem was I did not know if it was because I was still not breathing well or because the blond in front of him was watching him with the most amazing green eyes I remembered seeing.
- "Hey, something's wrong?".
- "Noo, is that .... Yooo, I just choked. I think I need a drink. It's too hot ".- Got stammer, still impressed by the boy's face.
- "Yes, it's hot, you should drink if you're staying in the sun." I addedthe blond, smiling .- "Well, I have to go to work, take care."
knew he had been enthralled watching him and only reacted when told he was going to work.
- "Hey, wait, do you work here?".
The blond turned and smiled again, making the temperature to rise more grades. - "If, at the Cafe Paris, covered 4."
- "TEEE ... I'll see you there then. Erm, do you want to do anything or take anything? What's your name? "- He saw the boy changed the look, becoming serious. - "Sam I am ... and do not know anyone around here, maybe you ...".
- "Delighted, Sam, but I work here y. .. should not interact with travelers more than necessaryto accomplish our work. Now I must go, I'll see if you go to coffee. "
could not take his eyes off that perfect body that she walked away. It was certainly the most handsome and attractive guy I had seen in his life, although it was clear that he had only been kind, had the excuse of work, but I was sure that if he wanted, he could relate to anyone who wanted. Well, it was not legal with the blond, had told a false name.
spent that first day exploring the ship, watching the boys were related. Curiously, he found more men than he had thought, since outside the precincts of the pools found most "noble", older, loungesand older men chatting, flirting so quiet.
was in the area where he discovered the "Café Paris" and his blond bartender.
That night, after dinner, changed and walked to the coffee, I wanted to see the blond.
was surprised at how crowded it was, apparently was a busy place. When he took the first sip of his cappuccino, he accepted that it could also regard it as their favorite coffee, and this time it was not the blonde who served in the bar.
Throughout the night, the café was empty, until it finally got up to approach the bar, where he was the blond, and try to talk to him. The boylooked tired, but he spoke softly with an older man who smiled so insinuating. When he got the attention of the blond, the guy looked up abruptly, it was clear that he did not like being interrupted in his attempt to link.
- "Hello again, you want more coffee?, But I think you've already taken too many tonight," .- said smiling. I had seen him when he entered the cafe and thought it would be like other kids who came looking for some forty to keep them. But he had not approached any of the guys who stripped his eyes, he had merely to read and look at him, that had done so.
- "Hello, how do you know ...? Oh, I've seen! "He felt like his face turned red, wasa fool, it was clear that he knew nothing about approaching other guys.
- "Well, it was hard not to see you, surely you are the first in his twenties who treads this place and does not end in a few minutes with his trousers at the ankles on the toilet. You just have limited reading and drinking coffee ".- He could not help smiling at the boy's face of disgust to say what the toilet. - "Hey, I have clients who really enjoy in the toilets."
could not answer anything, his smile, as had happened in the morning, had again left speechless. But now, also could see the lips of the boy: they were great, feminine and utterly kissable. Damn!, Whence had come that thought?, He had never wanted to kiss aboy. Jensen
watched him in silence, waiting for the other to decide what to take. When we met in the morning, had physically hit, high, very high and with a perfect body complete with a face slightly slanted eyes mischievous and almost covered by a brown hair and grown more than his. He loved it, could not deny it, but when he tried to enter it so directly, he reminded that he had been pestering idiot for a while before the pool and quickly put space between them. Not looking for sex, so I was not interested in any of the boys.
But this, Sam, was there, had all night drinking coffee and watching him when he thought he was not aware. It seemed a very sweet como little boy who spies on the girl he likes. Maybe the guy deserved a chance.
heard the voice of John claiming that he had left alone, but nodded his head in denial, had to serve what Sam wanted. Besides, now that really was interested in listening to a client, would not let the other heavier than just trying to take him to bed.
reacted when he heard the deep voice of the man she had been talking about the blond who wanted the boy back to his area to keep flirting with him. That made him react, would have let him go, so we started talking, trying to keep him.
- "You know, the end did not tell me your name and also I think with metaste was not true at all, in some way if you have to interact with travelers' .- I smiled, trying to get him not to go after what he had said .- "Oh, do not know anyone here, please , talk to me. "
Jensen could not help smiling at the pot that is drawing in the face of the boy. Seemed to be serious, so I decided to talk a while will not compromise.
They had a good time talking and I was amazed. Jen had proved to be three years older than him, but that little difference does not imply anything, had spoken on many subjects and was fun to discover that they agreed on many things. He felt comfortable talking to him, so had already been fora while, wanted to ask about sex and their preferences, so that, on air, was launched.
- "Hey, Jen, on this boat all the passengers are gay and I, ... I was wondering if .... I do not know, well, if workers wanted to know too .... you know, if you are gay. " When he finished speaking he was terribly hot and flushed. Jensen looked
arching an eyebrow. I was surprised to see how well connected, the boy's head was movable, but in some ways was like a little kid and now with this question, had again shown.
- "Come on, Sam, you can find gay waiters, cooks and, if I hurry, rescue workers and entertainers, but the truth, who happened to get together sufficient numberhundreds of sailors and mechanics gays to get this ship moving ...., puff!, I dunno, I find it difficult ".- replied, winking.
- "Hey, do not laugh at me, you know that I was not referring to all workers, I ..."
Smiling, he decided to help a little, but see the flushed face was very funny. - "Okay, what do you know? If I am? ".
She bit her lower lip nervously, did not want to feel violent, but nodded, waited not be playing his only friend in the boat.
- "Yes I am, but not all you see are waiters, so if you try to flirt with some of them, be careful" .- joked.
- "Uh, nooo, INo, I actually do not know if ..."- nervous She stopped, but then decided to keep talking .- "Look, I have no very clear what ... Oh, definitely, I do not know if I want to flirt! ".
She looked surprised. - "Oh, is that, you're not sure if you're gay? But, then, are you crazy? How did you happen to lock yourself crazy with this pack if you are unsure of what you feel? ".- Now it looked a little scared, if anyone thought it was a desire to experiment hetero could see problems .- "Look, if you wanted to know if you are gay, is not the best way to" prove "you can get into trouble if a guy thinks you're coming from 'ready'."
- "Look, I do not know how I feel. My girlfriend left me because she said shenot appeal to me and then my mother gave the reason y. .. Well, she thinks might be gay, so I gave the ticket. "
- "Damn! Are you a mama's boy? Is that why you're here? She has decided that you could be gay and you accept it so, just like that? ".
Jensen looked at him as he rose from the table where they had been sitting after he finished his shift at the cafe. The boy apparently was not all it seemed, and it was a shame, because until now he liked being with him.
- "Noo, I'm not a mama's boy. Just get along with mom. She has not decided anything for me, I've been me, after much thought, I thought that she and my girlfriend were right. My ex-girlfriend, I say. Sandysaid I did not want women, and I think that is true. I like to see the guys that are on this ship, I draw and, furthermore, for example, I wished she was not even half of what I wish to you at this time ".- He went back to feel his face reddening while he realized that his nerves had said .- "Hey, yooo, I do not mean I want something with someone like you, that is, yes, but that .... ,.... pufff, which difficult it is! Look, do not get anything with a waiter. Moreover, not even know if I want to ... well, I do want ... Although you do want, but I would like to be me that was .... you know, that ... But on the other hand, not with another guy if he would like me ... You would not mind trying, but you are ... "
- "VALE! Look, I really do have a mess on his head. At the moment I do not know because they want nothing offending a waiter or happy because you seem to attract enough that you do not mind me something, but I say you try aclararte. The guys who are here can not stand to play with them, or that other guy used to test whether or not a hetero male. And I assure you I will not let me play. " Jensen
felt strange, first offense because he saw it as a "waiter", "As if that were something bad!" He needed to work to earn the money to go to college, and was proud to work . On the other hand, Sam just wanted to see if it was gay, ifNo matter what he might feel. But on the other hand, was so obvious the situation was that felt like cuddly and do not ever let him go.
When he got up, looked at him with wide eyes while listening. He realized that at one point had said too much and apparently, all he had done was make the fair feel uncomfortable with it. He licked his lips and began to speak trying to fix things.
- "Look, do not be angry with me. I have not come to play with anyone, just want to be sure, so I'll do anything and if I need to throw me all the crew, then I will. I need to clarify and I'll do anything. "
- "Well, itgood to know that you do not mind using people. Sorry, but count me out. I thought you were different, but ..."- Jensen looked at him from above. It was late, was tired and knew I was not able to clarify things with the boy. The two had been drinking, especially Sam, and a little upset, so I decided to leave. Maybe tomorrow they could talk and help you clarify your situation .- "Look it's late and you had better go to sleep."
She looked distressed, he was now certain that the blonde was angry and did not want that, I needed to fix things so innocently asked .- "I can go with?, We can continue with ..."
- " Hell, no! Everybody is equal, I'm NOT going to bed with you! "
That was the last I heard the blond before he left the cafe.
After the disastrous night with Jensen, not want to go to his cabin, so he found one of the bars open and continued to drink until dawn, which caused him a drunk.
When he awoke the next day, it was past lunchtime and felt like crap, the hangover would not let him think and had not yet fully understood what had happened the previous night with Jensen.
Over the hours and thanks to the pills you took, finally accepted that the blond had liked it, but at some point, there wereto say something and apparently had offended him.
After dinner was toying with the idea of returning to the cafe, but then someone came to invite you to one of the clubs in the boat. It might be a good idea to shop around there, who knows, maybe see some guy who was liked and will help you know if it was true that he was attracted to men. Although, after what happened with Jen, it had little doubt.
Jensen had awakened in time to eat and then enjoyed a short nap in the pool, waiting to be made when you go to work. I had been thinking all the time Sam. The boy really liked it but had to be clarified, and Jensen knew quand approach it would be a problem at this time. Still, he waited all the time he appeared. When he did not feel a bit desolate, but decided that maybe Sam will pick coffee later, as he did last night.
When Sam finished his shift and was not provided, had to admit that perhaps the boy was not interested in him and had been fooling around thinking about the giant. It was clear that since last night not slept with him, had lost interest.
looked at John, the man had been flirting all night, there was nothing wrong and also knew him and other bar in town. By now several months since I had sex, so John was an option, I knew the ho's name was good in bed and not expecting anything after a nice romp, so I decided to let go, so maybe Sam would remove the head.
Throwing a last glance towards the door, sighed, then turned to walk slowly toward the man who ate sitting at the bar.
- "Hey, John, is your cabin has a Jacuzzi? You know, I could use a hot bath and a massage perhaps y. .. "
When a little later came the coffee Jensen gently pushed by the hands of even more sleepers, which used to caress your hips on the cowboy , saw a figure walking towards the coffee coming from the most lively area of the boat. Sam had
Bido and danced, and then had touched, kissed and fucked his first man in a small sofa in the club. The guy was blond, blue eyes and reminded him Jensen was just a coincidence. When, after recovering from the situation and declared officially Gay decided to see the waiter, he came across a guy as big as he, who smiled so obscene and then offer you a glass.
spent about an hour in which to drink again and began to rub shoulders with Tom, as he called the guy, but this time did not like much, it was more ... possessive, bossy, dominant ... The fact is that their attitude did not like, and recalled that at some point during the night, had thought about going to see Jensen, so taking advantage of Tom eatsnzaba to talk to some kids who laughed much fun, got up and went reeling.
When he reached the door of the cafe, the sickness he had drunk all he was instantly. Jensen left the coffee embraced by the guy last night sitting at the bar. They laughed, while the guy spent his arms around the blonde's body, hugging and hitting the back of it to his chest as they walked in imitation of a silly little train.
For a moment he could not react, Jensen was nothing you, but seeing him being embraced by this old guy, made him feel bad. In silence followed by the cover and corridors until you reach a room that Jensen came while saying something. For a momentthought to approach and hit the guy, but then the yellow came out and turned to walk up to levels where they were the passenger cabins.
For a long time, stared at the door of the cabin where Jen was with that guy, remembering the hugs and kisses that had given the blond man as they walked. Kisses and hugs that he never would.
only reacted when one of the ship's waiters called and entered the cabin of the man, carrying a tray with food and cold drinks. Then he turned and went back to the club not willing to thinking.
of the following day did not keep any kind of memory. Woke up on deck two, on board one of the boats of saltrescuing with misplaced clothes and bathed in alcohol. It was nearly seven o'clock in the afternoon, so only worry about taking a shower and eat something before looking to their new friends, this was the last night and thought to use the time. Since then, he would not spend any of your valuable time to remember that damn blond. Almost
managed not to think of it, certainly not to the waiters while watching the drive, trying to discern whether someone was blond with green eyes. Nor did it when I let him take out the blond soul licks while he was in mourning on behalf of another blond.
But, of course, if you thought it when, among laughter, Tom and his friends started talking about the blond waiter over Buddhallable around the boat.
was fun to be with Tom and his friends, but every time Tom began to caress and kiss, I felt that something did not like it was too rough and dominant. He had discovered he was gay, but that was active, he loved men and loved to get into them, not vice versa. He had made it clear to Tom several times but he seemed not to know.
knew he had drunk too much, but the laughter and the feeling I had was not normal to a drunk and to make matters worse, Tom did not stop to get their hands, so we began to get nervous. That's when the stupid Mike began shouting at someone and was finally able to give a push and removed to Tom off. When looked at Mike, land all he saw was an expression of disgust with Jen.
walked slowly down the hall thinking about the boy with the dimples, he was nothing of his, but he felt something when she saw him with Tom. I knew it was stupid, but I felt I had let a good thing.
opened the door and entered the small cabin, but when he went to close, a loud noise made him turn and look out into the hallway. He did not do so because a blow knocked him into the room.
- "What the hell? ... Sam? "" Jensen looked surprised at the boy who had beaten. It did not seem repentant, on the contrary, smiled a cruel .- "Sam, whatthink you're doing? "
decided to ignore the questions. Then, as he glanced into the room, was the key that had fallen from Jen's hand to be pushed, the volume and closed the door.
- "Sam, what are you doing? Look, man, I do not know what's wrong, but you can not enter and do what you want, this is my cabin and do not remember inviting you, so open the damn door and get out ".- As he spoke, everything was up and away I could, which was not much because the proportions of the cabin .- "Surely your friends will be looking for."
We watched in silence, listening to him, but without bothering to understand what he said, looking tired but beautiful face,I wanted the lips to kiss, slightly disheveled hair .... Damn, I wanted so much! At that moment I decided, had followed in part by moving away from each other and also because it reminded the other, who had slept with him last night blonde. I wanted to see if Jen went to get him, whether it was something serious. But now, seeing him, knew he would not let go, he was going to be yours tonight, he did not care how.
quickly took two steps and taking the blond, smashed it against the wall to start kissing him furiously. I thought kissing and fucking all night, and did not care any more.
Jensen did not have time to react, stupidly had been waiting for an answer, but it never came, andtime was crushed against the wall, being kissed suddenly, injuring while Sam held his arms preventing refuse.
should feel bad, it should, but there was something exciting in the act of being overwhelmed by the guy who appealed to him, feeling his strength. He groaned when a bite in his lower lip made him open his mouth wider, which was matched by a new grip against the wall and a stronger grip on his wrists.
tried to hit his legs, but neither was lucky, Sam had managed to get between them, so that his whole body plunged into his own, including the hard erection that was hurting a little higher bone right hip. He took
that the highest stopped to kiss his mouth down her chin, kissing and biting, to try to stop him, but he returned to put pressure on your body and hands, making a start to give pain.
- "Sam ... Sam, come on man, let go ... Sam, you're hurting me ... Look, I do not know what happens to you, perooo ... we talk ... just ... letting go ... and ... we can get a drink while we talk ".- I could hardly believe what he was doing was not normal, I was turning into a gelatinous mass that probably would fall at the feet of Brown if he does not continue squeezing it against the wall.
- "No, never gonna let you go" .- whisper in your ear, then returned to nibble a point concreto his neck.
- "Porrr Please Sam, we could barely get out ..."- continue talking when he was shaken, causing his head hit against the wall .-" What ...? "
could not stop kissing and biting their skin, was special, taste, touch, did you get addicted, and would have continued but for what he said to leave, then remembered the old man last night, maybe he was waiting and so I wanted to leave. For not so serious, he would not let him go. Just the thought was necessary to separate and harm. He had to understand that tonight was his and his alone. - "He is waiting? Is that, think I'll let you go with him again. "
closed his eyes as he waitedthe pain was over. How do you know John?
- "followed me last night? Come on, you have no right, not ...".
struck again against the wall as she spoke, her lips sticking to his neck, feeling like he stuck to his body trembled .- "I have every right in the world, I loved you from the first moment I saw you, I know I also liked. The kind of stopped talking last night ..."- while licking the skin between the left ear and neck .- "It should not happen, he should never have you, but ... now you're here, I do not think about it, only you, of what I make, in how I will fuck you up against the wall, on the ground, on the table ... Damn, I can only make you think! ". Jensen
to leave, thinking fast, he was not a doll, was almost as tall as Sam, but for what he had done so far, the strength of boy was superior to yours. He knew he could defend himself and put it difficult, but if not having much luck, finally, he would win the battle and, realistically, did not feel like being beaten and raped. He groaned when they resumed their lips hurting, but even so, he noticed how his body reacted to the other, so I make a decision: maybe I got it or not, but it was the only option was.
- "Hey, calm, wait ... I also want this, thou hast said, I like you ".- I take it he licked his collarbone to speak at a stretch .-" Listen, it seems you already have claror what you want, and I am glad now everything is fine, I also wish the same ... I want you in me, inside me. "
lift my head, leaving the collar bone, and looked into his eyes .- "Well, then ..." "All of a sudden shot to make it turn on itself and, after giving him a push, pinned him face to wall .- "... now I will fuck you" .- said, as he began to poke their hands through Jensen's clothes.
- "No ...! Sam, no! So no! This form is good for a quick romp in the dark room ".- Jensen spoke resting on his right cheek wall while trying to escape from the hands of Sam, who suddenly seemed to know how to squeeze through your clothes .-" No I have nothing against fuck, but I wantanother thing ... it seems your friends have taught you to do it quickly ... I ... I can teach you to do otherwise. " As he spoke, he noticed how the other loosened his grip, so that, giving a slight push, the time away enough to turn on itself, thus being addressed. - "Let me show you will not regret" .- I whisper, as she approached and began to kiss her by the neck while stroking his chest. He looked dumbfounded
as he felt all that the blonde was doing with his mouth and hands. He knew what he had wanted to do, and find that the boy she liked so wished he had misplaced. It was true that the relations he had with other guys hAbian been in the dark room on the couches of the club or somewhere in the boat, and always fast and half dressed. That was what I had expected from Jensen, but he apparently did not want things between them were so.
let out a groan when the blond began to nibble her left nipple on the shirt, while his hands gently caressed her hips over pants, which, mysteriously, was open. Well, maybe Jensen was right about doing things differently. I did not think to argue with him about it, indeed, he would teach him everything he wanted.
walked back to the bed, pushed by the blonde who kept kissing and caressing, falling seatedor over. There he left him to pull out the shirt, pulling it to the ground, and when the blonde did the same with yours, simply embrace him, making him sit on your hips, Jensen took time to return to kiss as she pushed him to fall on bed.
When, a while later, naked and excited, the blond tried to get on him prevented him, holding him and pushing him to turn and be he who was above. - "I'll fuck you" .- said while holding her wrists over her head.
Jensen smiled and shook his hips, making the two rub erections .- "I agree and I want it now, show me what you have taught there."
When he awoke, the light coming through the small window and could hear the silence. After a few seconds without opening his eyes, he remembered what had happened the night before and allowed to fantasize that Sam would be on his side, who remain in contact and have a future together. But the dream was shattered when she opened her eyes and found himself alone. He sighed as he sat up, but just did felt a prick in the back, Sam had been very meticulous showing everything I had learned, it was go!
recalled coming home today and that's when I hear "silence" again, there was no engine noise. Those sounds that just let him sleep, those engines that only trabajadores had the "pleasure" of listening to permanently were silent. Surprised, he looked at his watch and then I realized: it is assumed that they had come to earth for nearly two hours.
Sadly, he began to pick up your clothes and put on the small knapsack which he always carried. Stooping to pick up his shoes he saw an envelope on the floor. Nervous, thinking he could be Sam, opened it quickly, but it was not Brown, was nominated for his work these days on the boat. The first day I asked the manager to make him a cashier's check and he had gotten under the door, only the signed copy should stop above the nightstand. Still
payroll and check in hand, hung his knapsack ofshoulder and looked back at the bed. Was the best night of his life and knew he would not forget the boy with the dimples, he had gotten into his skin, and now would not know how to remove it.
Slowly, he turned and left, had blundered all the way, doing what he always said he would not, in love with a "rich kid." The worst thing was I did not know what time it happened. As he advanced down the hall and while crumpling the paper in his hand, decided he would not return to work on that boat, paid nearly twice that in a normal bar, but look for other sites, did not want to be there when he returned, because I was sure he would, it seems everyone did, yes, turned into cocoons tocapelotas. CHAPTER 5
Jared Padalecki
was the youngest general director of the city. His was a family business, the Study of Architecture Padalecki "existed since the first Padalecki (Jared's grandfather) came from Europe with its title, a few dollars and your ability to speak, smile, pout and seduce as he described how to make a building. It took time and hard work, but in the end, managed to create their own business. Publicly temporarily ceded his son Jerry, until he died in an unfortunate accident, which was to return to take command, command a few months ago had turned to give her only grandchild. He again took
projects lI aspiring to join the company had delivered. All were pretty good, but two exceeded any expectations, the two were innovative, but one in particular has attracted attention since I first saw it. It was for a detached house, straight, integrated in the landscape around her, that was fine, but what caught my attention was that the project might go through an architect, was too perfect for a surveyor. Even thought that there was foul play, but would not form an idea, so I decided to wait to know the author and then make a decision.
sought that he liked it and opened the folder of the curriculum. Until now I knew nothing about any of the candidates, psee related projects and then meet authors face to face, moments before was when I read your personal information. Found the author of the project and passed on personal information to see where he had studied. He had done in the same university as him, just in a different career. What I was struck by was the time he had done: the author who had so impressed him the race had begun three years before him, but were completed at the same time.
takes about three hours interviewing the candidates, but he wanted to know was not provided. Just talked to the last, but not decide to terminate the interviews, something he dECIA she used to meet J. Ackles. Trying to gain some time nodded and stood watching the clock.
- "Ada, the phone of Mr. Ackles appears on your resume, call him. The truth is I was quite interested in knowing, so I give a margin of ... half hour before closing the recruitment, if you do not get talking to him and he will justify his absence. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cool off a moment. Ada, maybe you could send someone to for a few drinks for gentlemen. "
walked slowly to the service, two of the three architects who were present at the interviews were old friends of his grandfather and, though he knew they were going to deny, were pendingcommitting any error then let them know it. Chad was the only one of the three who were present that supported him blindly. After all, Jared was the only one who had supported him when Sandy fell pregnant almost three years ago, he convinced his grandfather to Chad began to practice it while in the company practices that earned thanks to Chad Jared the paying out of pocket.
When I opened the door of the service heard a deep voice and masculine in the office. Something made him stop the action and listen, it sounded like a soft purr, and that sound was something I started to get tough. He closed his eyes, he knew that voice, I was sure I knew the owner of that voice that made ither hair stood on end.
-"... When I got out of the elevator was too late to go home to take a shower and dress properly, but I chose to come to explain to me personally and no phone call. "
Jared walked slowly, watching the man he had before him talking to Chad. Taking advantage of the fact, let your eyes wander about the male body, feeling his reacting to what he saw. A little shorter than him, short blonde hair on a broad back that tightened showing some narrow hips and an upturned ass that made her mouth dry, strong legs clad in jeans too tight that revealed how your legs "arched? Then all encajó on its head: the voice, hair, legs and especially the feeling that he knew.
If what I thought was true, that guy was J. Ackles. It was Jensen Ackles. Jensen. Your Jensen.
listened as Chad Jensen asked a question and started to answer, but I was not listening, they just looked the other's body as he remembered what happened after that one night they shared. ------
When he awoke that morning she found she was not in her room and also was not alone. Had a small moment of panic until he recognized the person in your embrace curled up beside him. Jensen lay aside, his face resting on his shoulder and armresting right over his abdomen.
I looked for several minutes, remembering what had happened, as he had cornered, regardless of hurt. Was no fool and knew that Jen had acted out of survival, he realized that he had been about to rape him, but, thank God, Jensen was able to appease.
After a few minutes she panicked again, not knowing what would happen when Jensen woke up, or how he would react, so, after observing, recording the image in your mind, decided to flee like a coward. When the boat docked I knew I was making stupid, but equally it was, was too confused with everything that hadactually feel the blonde. -----
Jensen saw as he walked toward the table and start pointing some of its project to Sinclair, watching the black shirt clung more to his back and could not help but lick his lips remembering the same back naked beneath him. It had been three years since then and could still remember the taste of your lips, your skin, the sound of her moans when he sank his body. It was impossible to forget it, because he had remembered in his dreams every night for several years, even today some nights he did.
Two days after leaving Jensen's bed, her mother cornered in his room, nervous about the modus operandi of his son. Land had told many things, but without knowing why, had stopped the relationship with the blonde. But Sherry, once again, proved that he knew very well to his son, Jared finally tell what happened to Jensen. She was the one that made him see that he had acted as a bastard Jensen, though, as she said, seemed to feel something more than a space heater for the blond.
try to find him, and even hired a detective, but the boy had vanished. Apparently, it was the first time I worked on the boat, had hired at the last minute after the sudden illness of one of the waiters, so there were no papers of his on the boat and the copy of the payroll that should have delivered in administration had no apArecida, so the only information he had was his name Jared, but had come to believe that the blond had given a false one, as he had done.
We sought for a while, until he realized that he had had his chance and had lost by his fault. Had the opportunity of a lifetime, but had missed a stupid. Over the years he had some relationships, sex all night and not looking for anything more. Eventually he realized that Jensen taught him that night to make love, but never felt like doing it to any kid. Neither was he.
returned to reality when he saw the strange gesture of Chad, so watch carefully the facethe other two architects. They seemed comfortable with Jensen, so I decided to be released sooner or later have to do it, so I asked the question on his mind after seeing the project.
- "Hello, Mr. Ackles, Jared Padalecki and I would like to know one thing, it is a very complex project and you have covered all aspects, including an architect and a surveyor would not. "I can know how we got?"
Jensen was surprised to hear the voice behind him, had not seen anyone as he entered, so I turned around ready to answer, but his voice refused to leave for a few seconds. Before him, dressed in an elegant gray suit, was the boy of the boat. One that neither the passociation of the time, nor living with John, he could forget. Only it was no longer a boy, and apparently had never been called Sam.
monotonous tone of his voice and the fact that he did not even look him in the face, made him understand that he had forgotten, so, after throwing one last look, began to answer by looking at the other three men .
- "I have not received any help, I like my job, but I also like the architecture. I have read and studied all the books I found in the library, so although I can not say that an architect, if I have enough knowledge to help me in my work as a rigger ".- He was silent waiting for a new question and, while I did, pudo see the sly smile of the youngest of the group, apparently it was fun to see what Sam, no, Jared, was on his back.
smiled sadly for a few days had dreamed of getting the job, no longer works trash, save to eat later this month, to move to a small apartment ... But now I knew she would never make it. On the boat Sam-Jared made it very clear what he thought of him, leaving him alone after spending the night together. Had not expected that day surrounded by roses and wake up with a declaration of eternal love, but at least I thought deserved a chat and a decent farewell. But he had none of that.
Now he was sure he would not give any chance, sobefore you cast decided to act, the only thing left was his pride and not let that boy rich I trampled.
- "Sorry, but I must go. You distrust of my abilities ... I made a nonsense introducing me to the post ... it is clear that never have what they want to start working here, so ... I withdraw my job offer and, if I may ..."- He approached the table and took his project .- "I appreciate the time I have spent. Good afternoon and goodbye. "
Jared had been petrified when she heard the first sentence, he was going to go. I had seen and decided to leave. She watched as he took the project table and quickly left the office and was not able to react in time, onlymoved when he heard the laughter of Chad.
- "I'm sure there's a very good reason that our best candidate has fled as if chasing the devil, and I'm sure that reason has something to do with you, Jared" .- said Sinclair, while got up and walked towards the door. - "By far the best of all I've seen, we should not let him get away. I will not ask the reason for his attitude, but on your face, I see that you had some knowledge of before. I do not know what happened between you, but had to be important if both act in this way. Maybe you should talk to him, not only by the company. You know, I know your grandfather would not let him escape, even marry him if necessary. "