Still cold ... How cute! Do not understand how people may not like the winter. There is nothing nicer than being in bed with the blankets up to his nose watching TV and get up and take a hot chocolate. Or take the dogs to the park and return and meet the house warm in the oven! At this time for 13 ° 1 but not so cold, do not feel much like yesterday at least. Yesterday I had to leave at 7:30 am and was nothing more nor less than 2 °! In some parts of Buenos Aires came to -2 °! OO I do not want to even imagine the frecocho going to do in June / July! = D
This afternoon we have to take Miyabi to give her annual rabies vaccine. Monday ended withtriples for all and now we start with the rage ... imagine what it is and what it costs them financially xD-two shots to 7 animals per year! Excluding anti-fleas, worming and pet food, we bought the second most expensive (I have the firm belief that to have an animal you have to have good and give him the best. But, I do not have.). Miyabi is a favorite of the veterinarian, do not know why = P, but each time he sees her stares and stroking the mare has a re hair softly! Too bad half horse has left us! XD
I contennnnnnnnnta! Yesterday I bought a pamphlet of the KinKi Kids xDD Se, I Pirucha, I know I should not be spending money on these things ... pero what they want to do! xDDD Mi Laurita beautiful is traveling to Japan in July / August and offered to buy me something, which I thank you from my heart because I know it's the most annoying thing in the universe that you walk for things when you travel , ¬ ¬ (xD undesirable personal experience with) so I'll look at it together a little dinerijillo!
= D Well, I'm going to see a movie, we're seeing! Ki wo kudasai tsukete;)
Megu .-
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