My new obsession is starting to worry about but ... what xD somehow will solve, do not worry ^ ^. Ok first we'll go with some data and then imagesnes: 3!
* Info taken from Wikipedia ^ o ^
Name: Echizen Ryoma (越前 リョーマ EcHIZEN Ryoma) Grade: Novice
favorite phrase: "mada mada dane"
is a good tennis player, able to use all his skills to adapt to your opponent and defeat him. Lived for a time in U.S. where he won 4 major junior tournaments. Upon returning to Japan joined the Seigaku, and immediately entered the tennis team. His greatest idol in tennis is his father, Echizen Nanjirou, a recognized player in the world and also his closest rival with whom most of the time fighting. Is 13 and his goal is to defeat his father. His personality is outgoing, is more calculating, confused and very cold, which draws the attention of mucyou girls. Tesuka is very similar to producing the latter's focus on him and yield his seat to "the central pillar of Seigaku."
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