Saturday, January 27, 2007
Personilized Chapstick hello
Anyway, I decided to write something, to see how.
that I can not tell, it is Saturday afternoon, my "sire" nap and my two "child" see a movie on TV, and as I've been toying with it to write something, then I decided to try.
I love reading, movies and music to dance to some series, this is how I got in this world, for the series.
few years ago, that chain is not to put the first season of Angel, and I liked it, I found a different series, it was not the typical police, oryoung millionaires, etc. .. In time I read something about the series of Buffy, but I never saw it, I think some people saw in canal plus or something, but I've never had that channel. And finally as the four began to issue it, I must confess that I saw some episodes loose, and there I found something unbelievable, but clearly had to watch 10 episodes and I think each of a season.
And last year when I see the issue start again and from the first season I started to follow, sometimes caught me at the time you could eat, sometimes pulling video and I finished in trying to emulate download episodes. My fate was sealed!
But when I check at all was in August 2006 when, innocent of me, IBUFFY Clee on google. And to finish the series I bought jorabar "whole" of Buffy's seven seasons (goodbye to the piggy bank)
And all appeared there, the series, chapters, and the great discovery "THE FICS" and the page Ehiztari . And began my madness.
Well, call me to warm them jars of blood in the micro, one day return and continue.
If anyone bothers to read this I hope that does not suffer a lot with my non-accent.
A kiss. Tabora
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Seizure More Condition_symptoms Artaban Wise
Today, roaming around the TV I stopped at a cartoon film, which chronicled the misadventures of the Fourth Wise Man ** ** intrigued that I could see only the last 15 minutes I searched the story and here is the show ^ ^
The Fourth Wise Man
tells the story of three wise men had no difficulty to get to Bethlehem, but the fourth Magician, Artaban, only had problems.
Artaban was a rich man and religion, study of astronomyphysical ay. In the study of the stars he had found the sign: "The Son of God was born", so I planned to meet with the three Magi to worship the infant Jesus.
sold all their belongings to organize your trip and buy the present that would lead to that child. His attitude caused great admiration, and that his only interest in life was to know and take three valuable gifts to Jesus.
A sapphire, ruby and pearl jewelry are purchased.
was not easy to undertake along journey through strange and dangerous places, so for Artaban was not easy to find someone to accompany him. His father supported his plans, he provided them with a slave named Beor, which he said: "If you go back to my son alive, I give you your freedom." So was losing Artaban, giving his blessing.
Artaban had agreed to meet with the other Kings. However, he failed, as during the trip had many setbacks.
First Hebrew exile found a sick, lonely and dying in the desert. Full of compassion, Artaban stops serving the sick. This delay causes Keep your appointment with the other Kings, and CONSEQUENCESia, is not present in the manger that first Christmas full of magic.
However, he still travels.
Shortly after delivering one of the gifts were for the newborn child to save the life of another creature that, according to the decree of Herod, was sentenced to die.
Al continue their journey, they encountered a convoy trying to cross the desert. Artaban, with his big heart, could not reject the need to help others, gave them the sapphire to get food, medicine, clothes. He spent years of his life to healing the sick and comfort the lonely. Beor repudiated assome of these patients had leprosy. And between anger could not understand why their love was apparent in one of the valuable jewels, only to help strangers.
At the end of the story Artaban is desperate and tired. Realizes she has dedicated thirty-three years searching and eventually finds himself alone on Golgotha.
Here he discovers that the Son of God, who is dedicated to look many years ago has been sentenced to die on the cross. Immediately think of his last possession, a pearl. Sure that it will buy the freedom of Christ. But even in the way the place is a woman who is being threatened with beating and yet, kill her if she does not pay the debts of his father.Again Artaban offers the pearl, their final possession in exchange for the lives of women.
And without money and without gifts Beor Artaban and wandered from town to town and came to Jerusalem at Easter. Heard about the Nazarene teacher and a celebration that would have its followers. In haste and with beating heart, are headed to the house where they celebrated the Passover meal. But they arrived too late for Jesus and his disciples had left the scene.
someone suggests that you look on the Mount of Olives. On arriving there, they met a man named Pedro. Beor asks: "Were you the one who accompanied the master?" And he replied: "I do not even know." In that, he heard the songof a rooster. And Peter broke into tears.
now really nothing left. All that was intended to deliver in worship has been in the service of humanity.
To increase their distress Artaban is hit by a stone falling from a structure that was collapsing because of the earthquake that accompanied the crucifixion.
you sure you die without ever seeing their Lord. But while lying bleeding and dying, heard a faint voice from far away.
- Truly, I say, all you have done to the least of my brethren, you did me.
Artaban hearing this, the fourth Wise Man, die happy knowing that their gifts were indeed received from their Lord.
The story was taken from the page:
http://esp.mexico .com / word 's / una.php? idarticulo = 8658
curious story right?
I liked the name Artaban
^ _ ~